“How the West became Psychologically Peculiar and Particularly Prosperous”
My summary: Here in the West most of us are no more guided by our hunting group or clan, but by the family, and ultimatly, today, just by ourselves, as individuals.
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/12/books/review/the-weirdest-people-in-the-world-joseph-henrich.html meint:
Forced to find Christian partners, Christians left their communities.
Christianity’s insistence on monogamy broke extended households into
nuclear families. The Church uprooted horizontal, relational identity,
replacing it with a vertical identity oriented toward the institution
itself. The Church was stern about its marital policies. Violations were
punished by withholding Communion, excommunicating, and denying
inheritances to offspring who could now be deemed “illegitimate.”
Formerly, property almost always went to family members. The idea now
took hold that it could go elsewhere. At the same time, the Church urged
the wealthy to ensure their place in heaven by bequeathing their money
to the poor—that is, to the Church, benefactor to the needy. In so
doing, “the Church’s MFP was both taking out its main rival for people’s
loyalty and creating a revenue stream,” Henrich writes. The Church,
thus enriched, spread across the globe.
By the time Protestantism came along, people had already internalized an
individualist worldview. Henrich calls Protestantism “the WEIRDest
religion,” and says it gave a “booster shot” to the process set in
motion by the Catholic Church.
… “the Italian enigma”: Why, if Italy has been Catholic for so long, did
northern Italy become a prosperous banking center, while southern Italy
stayed poor and was plagued by mafiosi? The answer, Henrich declares, is
that southern Italy was never conquered by the Church-backed
Carolingian empire. Sicily remained under Muslim rule and much of the
rest of the south was controlled by the Orthodox Church until the papal
hierarchy finally assimilated them both in the 11th century. This is
why, according to Henrich, cousin marriage in the boot of Italy and
Sicily is 10 times higher than in the north, and in most provinces in
Sicily, hardly anyone donates blood (a measure of willingness to help
strangers), while some northern provinces receive 105 donations of
16-ounce bags per 1,000 people per year.
https://www.nzz.ch/feuilleton/der-westen-mit-einer-neuen-psychologie-eroberte-er-die-welt-ld.1581437 In ihren Kernfamilien auf sich allein gestellt, bildeten die Menschen
eine individualistischere, weniger konformistische Persönlichkeit aus
und lernten, Fremden zu vertrauen, sich mit ihnen auszutauschen und mit
ihnen zusammenzuarbeiten.
Die Menschen in industriellen Gesellschaften verhalten sich überall
gleich, Jäger und Sammler oder Hirten aber ganz unterschiedlich.
Zum einen die Annahme, dass die Menschen rational handeln. Dabei leiten
uns alle möglichen Glaubenssysteme, nicht nur die Religionen oder die
Magie, sondern zum Beispiel auch das Vertrauen in unsere Regierung,
obwohl es die empirische Evidenz nicht unbedingt rechtfertigt. Zum
anderen die Annahme, dass die Menschen nur egoistisch denken. Es gibt
inzwischen mehr als genug Belege dafür, dass wir nicht nur im
Eigeninteresse handeln, sondern als soziale Wesen vor allem aufgrund von
internalisierten Motiven und Normen. Insgesamt verhalten wir uns also
im realen Leben schlicht nicht so, wie es ein Ökonom vom Homo
oeconomicus erwartet. Aber was ich hier sage, gilt in der Ökonomie wohl
immer noch als Ketzerei.
Permalink https://bit.ly/fj3jdzlMF
= https://blogabissl.blogspot.com/2020/10/sind-wir-weird-prof-joseph-henrich-how.html
Paket an meine Frau. Passt doch, der Selbstbezug als Glücksbringer. |
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