Zur Suche nach Bildern im Web hab’ ich hier schon öfters praktische Experimente gemacht. Enttäuschend, nach wie vor einfach enttäuschend – und damit für viele beruhigend! Ein Grundsatzartikel hier.
Also: Bei mir klemmten jüngst am Parkplatz zwei gleiche Passfotos unter dem Scheibenwischer:
Die schöne junge Frau kenne ich nicht – sollte ich? Ich ließ sie eine Woche dran; vielleicht hatte ja nur wer mein Auto verwechselt und holt sich die Bildchen wieder. Dann aber wollte ich’s wissen, scannte die Dame ein, und ließ sie von Google im Netz suchen. »Keine anderen Größen für dieses Bild gefunden«, war schon einmal die erste enttäuschende Aussage. Das Bild als solches gibt’s also noch nicht im Netz (nach diesem Blog dann aber schon). TinEye meldete ebenfalls 0 Treffer. Dafür zeigte Google »optisch ähnliche Bilder« ohne Ende:
Und die widme ich jetzt allen Internet-Angsthasen, die meinen, man könne sie so leicht finden, und überhaupt sei das Netz rein Teufelwerk … Ein Blondinenwitz.
Permalink http://blogabissl.blogspot.com/2014/08/bildersuche.html
27. August 2014
26. August 2014
Der kleine Eiskübel
Ein Seitenblick auf Eiskübel
»Ice bucket« all’ italiana. Bitte notfalls selbst anhalten.
Inzwischen las man leider: »Dieses Video ist nicht mehr verfügbar, weil das mit diesem Video verknüpfte Youtube-Konto gekündigt wurde.« – Dann hab’ ich’s hier wieder gefunden!
Leoluca Orlando, sindaco [Bürgermeister, major] di Palermo: « Accolgo con una donazione l’invito all’ Ice Bucket Challenge che accende una luce sulle persone malate di SLA. Accolgo l’invito di tanti e da ultimo del sindaco di Monreale Pietro Capizzi e nomino il sindaco di Milano Giuliano Pisapia, il sindaco di Roma Ignazio Marino, il sindaco di Napoli Luigi de Magistris e il sindaco di Torino Piero Fassino. Invito tutti a donare donare donare. »
Mehr it. Spass hier
Doccia gelata da ridere: tutti i fallimenti sul web Non sempre la solidarietà va a buon fine. Come testimonia questa compilation di "docce ghiacciate" ricca di epic fail (i "fallimenti epici" che tanto ama la rete). E così l'iniziativa virale "Ice Bucket Challenge", trend legato a una buona causa, la lotta alla Sla, diventa una comica tra scivoloni e secchiate dolorose. Risate assicurate, e nessuno fortunatamente si è fatto male.
Ice shower for a smile: all failures in the web Not always solidarity ends well. As proof this compilation of "ice showers" rich of epic failures (that the net likes so much). The viral initiative "Ice Buck Challenge", a trend coupled to a good cause, the fight against SLA, thus becomes fun from slipups to hurtfull bucket throws. Guaranteed laughter, and luckily nobody’s been hurt.
Permalink http://blogabissl.blogspot.de/2014/08/der-kleine-eiskubel.html
Inzwischen las man leider: »Dieses Video ist nicht mehr verfügbar, weil das mit diesem Video verknüpfte Youtube-Konto gekündigt wurde.« – Dann hab’ ich’s hier wieder gefunden!
Leoluca Orlando, sindaco [Bürgermeister, major] di Palermo: « Accolgo con una donazione l’invito all’ Ice Bucket Challenge che accende una luce sulle persone malate di SLA. Accolgo l’invito di tanti e da ultimo del sindaco di Monreale Pietro Capizzi e nomino il sindaco di Milano Giuliano Pisapia, il sindaco di Roma Ignazio Marino, il sindaco di Napoli Luigi de Magistris e il sindaco di Torino Piero Fassino. Invito tutti a donare donare donare. »
Mehr it. Spass hier
Doccia gelata da ridere: tutti i fallimenti sul web Non sempre la solidarietà va a buon fine. Come testimonia questa compilation di "docce ghiacciate" ricca di epic fail (i "fallimenti epici" che tanto ama la rete). E così l'iniziativa virale "Ice Bucket Challenge", trend legato a una buona causa, la lotta alla Sla, diventa una comica tra scivoloni e secchiate dolorose. Risate assicurate, e nessuno fortunatamente si è fatto male.
Ice shower for a smile: all failures in the web Not always solidarity ends well. As proof this compilation of "ice showers" rich of epic failures (that the net likes so much). The viral initiative "Ice Buck Challenge", a trend coupled to a good cause, the fight against SLA, thus becomes fun from slipups to hurtfull bucket throws. Guaranteed laughter, and luckily nobody’s been hurt.
Permalink http://blogabissl.blogspot.de/2014/08/der-kleine-eiskubel.html
Ice Bucket Challendge,
24. August 2014
VLC Looses the Game in Seconds
![]() |
VLC sign |
So far, so good, and full of praise.
(Just remember: Never get VLC from VLC.de, always reach for the original at VLC.org!)
Anyway, yesterday, I wanted to watch a video. I went through the prelimiaries, selected the language, started the film. Seconds later VLC gave up:
![]() |
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library This application has requested the Runtime to terminate in an unusual way. Please contact the application’s support team for more information. |
It took me hours and various useless detours to finally get my film on screen. I even installed Windows’ Media Player. It immediately took over as standard player, messed my setup, only to finally tell me that it coudn’t play ISO files. Enforced my prejudices.

Then I googled around, found the same Visual C error message with many a program, with variing and unsuccessful »solutions«. Apparently programs written in the usual universal C++ programming language can make requests to the C++ runtime library that it cannot interpret. Why this happens, the library cannot find out; only the caller knows. The C++ routines just give up. So I tried to install a new runtime library, directly from Microsoft, but it wouldn’t, telling me that I already had one and even a newer. No harm done, but no solution either.
Finally I took another route into my film. I just selected the language at a later stage, while the film was already running. Thus I miracously avoided this particular unhappy call by VLC to the C++ library. -- In any case I judge it to be a programming error by VLC that forgets to give a diagnostic after this unsuccessful call. The same, when other programs crash with this cryptic message. They just don’t do their duty in exceptions.
Then I could see the video.
(Incidentally, to select another sound track with VLC click the right mouse button within the picture, go to sound, and use another track. You can do that at any time during the show. Never mind the sound track descriptions, they proved to be utterly wrong, just try them. Works.)
Permalink: http://blogabissl.blogspot.com/2014/08/vlc-looses-game-in-seconds.html
My operating system Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 64 Bit
My VLC 2.1.3 Rincewind
23. August 2014
What Watch?
Zur Abwechslung ein Zitat aus Casablanca, zweiundzwanzig Sekunden:
Ilka Grüning und Ludwig Stössel als Ehepaar Leuchtag, das sich im Film Casablanca sprachlich auf Amerika vorbereitet. Den Oberkellner Carl spielt S. Z. Szakall.
»Liebchen, sweetnessheart, what watch? – Ten watch! – Such much?«
Gemeint ist: »Wieviel Uhr? – Zehn Uhr! – So viel?«
Permalink: http://blogabissl.blogspot.com/2014/08/what-watch.html
»Liebchen, sweetnessheart, what watch? – Ten watch! – Such much?«
Gemeint ist: »Wieviel Uhr? – Zehn Uhr! – So viel?«
Permalink: http://blogabissl.blogspot.com/2014/08/what-watch.html
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