7. November 2018

Title Time vs. Google Chrome

In Windows the age old Program “Title Time” (TiTime.exe)  by Roger Sondermann adds to the standard blue or gray top line – here an example: of the standard top line or bar:

Title Time adds date and time at  the right. Form and format can be configured. Here the example with Title Time:

Description by Roger Sondermann:
   TitleTime adds the current date and/or time to the Caption of the currently active application window. Additional options are a second clock (with a different time), week number, GMT/UTC time, Swatch Internet Time and Sounds at each full, half or quarter hour. It is also possible to set alarms, which will display user-defined pictures and/or execute resp. open programs, wave-files or documents.

I run Title Time v2.10. Note that Jumaros.De is not there anymore; it reroutes to Brothersoft, here 
http://publisher.brothersoft.com/roger-sondermann.htmlhttp://publisher.brothersoft.com/roger-sondermann.html. The latest version TitleTime v2.10 was released on February 1, 2007.
   Do NOT try to download from Brothersoft, you might catch yourself a virus, at least annoying software by some adware. It might have been a coincidence, however; see below.

My version 2.10 offers these settings at left when clicked on its icon. Then hitting Preferences… I get these choices at right. (Help won’t work due to a change of Windows.)

Title Time appears as litte red icon at the bottom right of your screen – if you happen to use a well seasoned Windows operating system – and can be configured there (“Preferences”).
   It can be turned off and on as well there by clicking on with the usual left mouse button.
   Title Time runs as process, not as program (“app”).
If you use Google’s Chrome browser Title Time interferes with Chrome’s custom top line, sometimes laying on top of it, sometimes not. Tabs become invisible. If this annoys you, switch off Title Time teporarily by clicking on its icon withe the usual left mouse. Alternatively you might hit F11 for a full page view, but then you see no tabs at all, just the current one. (I found no way to tell Chrome to keep the top line still, gray or blue.)

Get Title Time from Cnet at 
as zip file, then TitleTime-Setup.exe 1.204 kB. Cnet calls it version 2.12, but it’s really good old 2.11 as I just tested.
   Again my personal recommendation: Do NOT try to download from Brothersoft.

Permalink to here http://j.mp/2qxLHXj
= https://blogabissl.blogspot.com/2018/11/title-time-vs-google-chrome.html
To the “virus”. The comouter started to act crazy, displayed devisish messages and threats, which I just shut down without doing what they wanted. Then I had my antivirus have a look. It already had a warning.
   Kasperky’s message (at right): “The found object (file) was deleted.” It was me who decided to purge it. It was a file on my NAS disk, so I wonder.

Papiertiger und Potemkinsche Dörfer

Potemkinsche Dörfer, das weiß Wikipedia, gehen selbst auf eine Lügengeschichte zurück: Potemkin hat Katharina die Große damit nicht getäuscht. Moderner sind Papiertiger, die – vor allem in den »Medien« – brüllen: Klimaabkommen, Iranabkommen, UN-Flüchtlingspakt, Target 2 und so weiter.
   Geld ist inzwischen nicht einmal Papier, es sind Zahlen in Datenbanken, richtigherum Bankdaten. Keiner spart mehr, nicht die »Sparer«, nicht die Staaten, bringt ja auch nichts. Konsum hat Klima, ohne Abkommen. Dass das nicht »nachhaltig« ist, wird nicht thematisiert. Staaten halten die »Konvergenzkriterien« einfach nicht ein. Sprachlich geht’s noch schöner: In Deutschland heißt dergleichen »Stabilität- und Wachstumspakt«. Sprüche.
   Unsere hochgelobte »parlamentarische Demokratie« lebt von Koalitionsverhandlungen und -einbarungen hinter verschlossenen Türen. Ich wünschte mir eine Minderheitsregierung, wo Gesetze von Abgeordneten entschieden werden, hörbar.
   Viele Polizeien, Behörden, die ihren Job nicht tun (Amri-Attentat).
An ihren Taten sollt ihr sie messen. Immer erst fragen: Wie fließt da welches Geld? Vor allen: Selbst denken, nachdenken, erst danach die eigene Meinung bilden.

Link hierher: http://j.mp/2F8xSbU
= https://blogabissl.blogspot.com/2018/11/papiertiger-und-potemkinsche-dorfer.html

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