26. Januar 2018

Whatsapp ends on Blackberry zu Ende †

On my old Blackberry 9360 running v7.1.0.336 Platform Whatsapp has finally deceased:
Change to a supported mobile phome
Know more – OK
This warning that Whatsapp would end 2017 was there since about a year. But when you had hit OK – it had continued to work! Why they just didn’t let it run and run like an old car does (as far as hardware wouldn’t break), or like I do (76), I will never understand.
   Anyway. Today with OK you end with “server not found” or Whatsapp aborts:
 There must be a dark cloud inbetween.  †

Link to this blog entry:


What does Whatsapp Web say to this:
  “Trying to reach the telephone … ”

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