1. November 2017

Changing Geolocation in Google Photos

Many a time you want to set or change geo coordinates alongside a picture stored in an album. The coordinates may have come from the place where you took the picture with your camera, but you want to store the coordinates of the object. You scanned a printed photo, and you want to place it geographically. Or you just want to scratch the location at all.
   There may be a numer of ways to do that. (Doing it in https://picasaweb.google.com https://get.google.com/albumarchive/107484383993159578524/album won’t work, I’m afraid.) I use a simple method: I upload the picture with changed coordinates again into my Goggle photo album. The cloud notices that this is the same picture and replaces the old one one-to-one, but stores the new coordinates alongside.
   Let me show you.

This is a picture of a picture. Obviously the original picture was not taken at “Dörrenbach” somewhere in Germany’s fruitful wine country. It shows a station in Bardaï. So I want to change the geo location to 21° 21′ 12″ N, 17° 0′ 1″ E, equal to decimal 21.353333,17.000278. To do so in the cloud with https://photos.app.goo.gl/zUPpQLEdYVSSMXJs2 I did not succeed.
    So I changed the location in my local PC’s Picasa, entered 21.353333,17.000278 as address and acknowledged with OK (Foto hier platzieren, place photo here, at right), and uploaded the picture to the cloud again.
   Reloading the picture it now is placed right in the middle of nowhere in the Chad (german: Tschad). Had I entered Bardai into Picasa, it would show the name of this rather remote village.
See also using Picasa nevertheless, using local Picasa, seeing Picasa Web Albums after all.

Permalink to here:  

PS. Only Google photos knows why it places the picture nearby at 21.365, 16.912 instead of 21.353333,17.000278. Cloud’s moving?
   At Google Photos Help they say: “Google Photos might estimate a location”. That’s artificial intelligence again trying to be wiser than you …

Personally I’m still upset about Google killing Picasa Web Albums and replacing them with such crap. It might work better for smartphone users, but it’s just not professional. See “my dream picture album”. 

PS. If it does not work see http://blogabissl.blogspot.com/2018/02/picasa-geotagging-help.html

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