14. Juli 2017

Addressing Google Photo Albums

A while ago Google discontinued Picasa’s Web Albums, and standardized on its smartphone-friendly “Google Photos” Albums (in German »Google Fotos«). How to recover old Picasa Albums is another story.
   Today I give tipps to share (address) Google Albums.
   First of all: Work with the white album. When I upload pictures to Google Albums – I’ll explain that below – I get a black album view at first. It looks like this:

The URL address in this example is
https://get.google.com/albumarchive/107484383993159578524/album/AF1QipOLqI3k--WahDtoCMim_ooGTsfPh3ijIKJBwlQj?source=pwa .
   Note the folder “albumarchive” after google.com.
   I never work with this “black” presentation type of the album

Instead I hit menu, the three vertical dots ⋮ in the upper right of the black show, and I select »In Google Fotos verwalten«, something like “manage in Goggle photos”. 

Now I get the “white album”. That’s the one to work with!

The album as presented with “Google Photos” or – in German – »Google Fotos«.

I only work with this “white” versions of my Google photo albums! 

The  URL address of this version is (in this example):
   Note the folder name “share” after google.com
(If you’ve got “album”, don’t use that, it will result in a URL not found error 404:

• To share the whole album, hit the share icon on top right, this one:
Now get the short “Link”, like
   This is the link to the album to distribute to your friends and family. 

• To share the album, but start with a particular picture, do not use this method. Googles short album link will always display the album’s first picture first, and typically you might want to link first to a specific picture in the album. 
   First display the picture (or video) within the album and get the whole long URL of the specific picture within the album, for example
Again note the “share” after google.com/. 
(Don’t take the “album” like in  
   Do not however distribute this excessively long address, it will most probably be broken by e-mail. Shorten it with a link shortener like bit.ly, in this case to http://bit.ly/2uYsPBN to to  (and hope that the recipient of this shortlink won’t be afraid to open it). 
   (A link to “albumarchive” like http://bit.ly/2uq4Oqg is ok as well, but not a link to “album” like http://bit.ly/2vk1itY. What a mess, Google!)
• Only if you just want to share one specific picture only, but prevent the viewer to see other pictures or the whole album, use Google’s share address.  

This tipp: 

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