30. Mai 2012

When a D-Link Router Won’t Connect Wi-Fi Devices into the Net.

Problem: A D-Link router works fine and connects hard-wired devices nicely to the internet. Your internet connection is up and running. You can also connect your PC directly to the DSL modem without the router in between. If you plug your laptop into the D-Link router via Ethernet cable  you get connected to the Internet all right.So far good.
    However when you connect your Laptop via Wi-Fi (W-Lan) to the same router, you get “Oops! The page you requested is not available. Could not detect an Internet connection. Suggestions …”.
   Here the German link and here the English link to the manufacturer. Why this happend to my D-Link router (DIR-600 with firmware 2.11 Thu 22 Dec 2011) I have not found out. It must be a firmware bug, so try to update the firmware if you care to. Reports in the web indicate that it helps.
   All I noticed was a strange IP address of the router, This is the outide IP address of the provider. The local (NAT) address of the router should be (default login admin and no password).
   My remedy: I reset the router and reconfigured it (via Ethernet cable). I powered off both the DSL modem and the router. Then I turned on the modem and later the router, in this sequence, and with ample time in between (so that the lights calm down). It works, wirelessly. Fritz@Joern.De

Do not switch the router into Access Point Mode. Leave “Enabled Access Point Mode” off. You will not be able to get back into the configuration menu. I had to reset the router.
   The problem is not one of having a wrong key. You get to see the above page and you can configure the router via Wi-Fi all right. So it’s not a question of setting the wireless key.
   Further links:
Installation guides via German link and English link to the manufacturer.
http://forums.dlink.com/index.php?topic=41289.0Same configuration but no more oops!”
“I recommend that you bridge the ISP modem and use the PPPoE option on the 655 router. If the ISP modem can not be bridged, then use the DMZ option on the ISP modem and input the WAN IP address the 655 gets from the ISP Modem in to the ISP Modems DMZ”. – This did not help in my case.   
And here is one who gave up: 
“Thank you for all the help, but i have changed router now. Also the electronic store confirmed that they had got many of this model in return cause of some problems. Im just glad i got my money back on warranty and discount on a great router.”

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