21. Februar 2010

Permalink, Permalinks, Permanent Links,
Permanentlink, Dauerverweis, dauerhafter Link,
fester Anker, Permanent Anchors for Blogs, etc.

in Blogger

Blog entries are archived after a while. – This means: The original HTML file under, say http://blogabissl.blooger.com, is moved elsewhere. Tough luck for addresses and links that used to directly point into a specific blog.

I may criticize—in this case Google—that it cannot make a simple list of entry points and find them for you in the archive files; but this complaint won’t help. We have to live with the vanishing, treacherous links. Links like http://blogabissl.blogspot.com/#label work at first, later on no more.

There are two methods to apply permanent links, “permalinks”, in blogger.

Here is the official way. Note that all this applies to blogger only. You write your blog. You publish it. Then you look at it, and you’ll see a little pound sign # at the very end of the blog, left side, where it says # posted by … Now if you move the cursor to this pound sign and click right, you’ll get a pop-up menu with the possibility to copy the link address hidden under the # sign. Aim precisely. In this case here you’ll get

http://blogabissl.blogspot.com/2010/02/permalink-permalinks-permanent-links.html (try)

which is the official permalink to this one blog entry. You see, it contains the year and month of publication, and a somewhat unpredictable text as entry. This link will work while the blog is fresh and not yet archived, and it will work as well after automatic archiving. The reader will get to see exactly this one blog entry.

And this is the other way. You put a name tag into your blog. When writing your blog you switch to HTML for a moment, and you enter the HTML command <a name="Permalink"> into the flow of words, best at the beginning. You may choose whatever entry name you like, instead of Permalink here, which is just an example. Because the HTML code of your blog is examined by an unforgiving HTML teacher within blogger’s software, you must have a finishing </a> tag closing the <a name="…"> tag. The correct form is <a name="nameofchoice"></a>. The </a> may come later, but it must come. When the blog is published, you’ve got an entry point there. Naturally you can put as many entry labels into a blog as you like, very practical with long entries.
In order to use this self made entry point as permalink, you use exactly the format


yyyy is the year, mm the month of publication, 01 (zero one) is 01 always, and nameofchoice is your label name. Don’t forget the underline characters. Make no slash after html. In this case here I’ve added Permalink and Dauerlink as name tags, so you will be able to address this blog either by

http://blogabissl.blogspot.com/2010_02_01_archive.html#Permalink (test)

or by

http://blogabissl.blogspot.com/2010_02_01_archive.html#Dauerlink (test)

Again: this link will work both during the month of writing and later after archiving, it will start the page exactly with the (naturally hidden) label. It will bring in all the month full of blogs, but that’s ok. The advantage: You’ve got a self chosen, simple entry label, a simple permalink. You choose the name, not blogger (blogspot). And you choose it while you compose the blog, no waiting for blogger to come up with its name. And you can use multiple entry labels.

Good luck.

PS: You don’t believe me? Try this:
http://blogabissl.blogspot.com/2009/06/these-three-days-of-may-in-paris-made.html (try)
or this (doesn’t it look better?):
http://blogabissl.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html#Paris2009 (try)
Wikipedia’s explanation of Permalinks, deutsch
Deutsche Erklärung von »Ankern« in Selfhtml. – Sorry, not available in English,
see for example “The name Attribute” in W3Schools or W3C.

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