11. Oktober 2017

Test blog for encryption (https)

The Internet has gone crazy about security, in this cas about encryption. For e-mail that might make sense – though even there I assume that the mails are opened into the clear at all sorts of relay stations, for example to scan for viruses. Today even public, open picture albums are encrypted, say
   Well, I can’t change that.
   If I finalize this blog entry here (this “post”) at this point, I get assigned the address http://blogabissl.blogspot.com/2017/10/test-blog-for-encryption-https.html. Note that this is a http, not a https address.
  When I now add a picture into the post, like these clouds …

… the whole thing works just as before with plain http.
Videos are fine too. 

This page contains HTTP resources that may lead to mixed content. These effect security and user experience, if the blog is viewed via HTTPS.Solve problem – close – further infoormation.
I remember however earlier cases where adding something like a link to a picture gave a red error message before storing, see above, as the content seemed not to taste well to blogger. I clicked the middle choice, close, and then stored without any bad efects. 
   When you steal pictures you may want to go the whole way. Store them on your PC first and give it to blogger from there. If you blog a picture only via a URL, blogger shows it but creates an http link to this remote place, which it rates unsecure. So kill the link via HTML editing, or link elsewhere. Usually the link to the same picture as seen in the first place is not very enriching.
To know more read here.
   In some cases I got a https addresses, like 
http://sarnerblog.blogspot.com/2017/10/william-basil-wilberforce.htmlBlogger knows why.  
   Apparently you can select that. I had never done that willingly. How to encrypt or not encrypt is expained here.

• Firefox (Mozilla) sends messages with links, that at the user’s end won’t open: 
A cutout with the link to the discussion on top in small print.
The popup says: Links have been deactivated for security reasons …
So I manually copied the link

Passwords for Firefox. You can log in to Firefox, for example (I guess) to get synchronization between your Firefoxes as to the stored passwords or bookmarks – I guess …
   Yesterday I strugled with the requirement of a new password with at least 12 (!) digits of different types, 
   Today Firefox lets me know that the new password …
 … must have at least 8 digits. Source.
   Elsewhere a lot of password details are given, but no minimum length, see here
Synchronizing Firefox search settings. Here you see my search box preferences, primarily Google US (for the better picture display), then a couple of Wikipedias, German, French etc. These settings had been “synchronized” between my PCs, until some Microsoft service destroyed them and entered bing, dick-duck-go (or similar), Yahoo, Amazon and some more alien stuff. 
   Now what do I do? I hate synchronizing: You never know what’s being copied to where. 

Obsoleting plug-ins. See this. 

And now read this. And then try to use another browser. That might be easier than keeping up with Firefox … I have no single plugin compatible with the future. 

Bad Request Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
Don’t panic. Try the competition, like Microsoft’s Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge. If you get to your wanted URL with them, then Firefox is messed up. A quick and brutal cure is to delete all of Firefox’ stored cookies, though you loose all stored passwords there as well. I’ll let you know when I find a more specific cure (like deleting only yesterday’s cookies?).

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